To try everything Brilliant has to offer—free—for a full 30 days, visit . The first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant’s annual premium subscription. To get hands-on knowledge of Containers, follow along the "Build Docker" container challenge at Today, we have a hot topic to dig into: Containers vs. Virtual Machines. Are you sure you understand the difference between the two? While going through a challenge building Docker with Go, I realised I hadn’t quite grasped what a container is. Let me ask you this question: Do you know under which conditions running a Docker container is at least as expensive (computationally ) as running a virtual machine? If you don’t know the answer to that question, stick around. We’ll be working out the answer to that and more, such as: What is a VM? What is a container? What are the differences between a container and a VM? Why is a container more lightweight(generally speaking)? What are the _drawbacks_ of using a container when compared to a VM? The first step is to understand what a VM (or Virtual Machine) is. #docker #virtualmachines #vm Want to go into further depth? Head to This video was sponsored by Brilliant.